2024-2025 School Policies
Attacca School of Music strives to provide an environment where all aspects of music can be appreciated, explored, and fostered. The policies listed below ensure the possibility of this for all students, families, faculty, and administration. Our goal is to offer fairness to students and faculty, while creating a system of clear shared values and respect.
Enrollment & Registration
Enrollment is assumed for the entirety of the academic calendar year you join (Fall and Spring semester) and your Fall lesson day/time will roll over in to the spring unless there is need for a change.
For mid-semester incoming students, your number of lessons and tuition will be prorated appropriately.
Delayed semester enrollment requires full payment at time of enrollment.
Incoming students are encouraged to complete a trial lesson to be correctly placed with a teacher.
Priority registration is offered to returning students each year, and open/rolling registration is available through the year to new students. Tuition is prorated for those joining mid-semester.
Payments can be made by check, Zelle to attaccaschoolofmusic@gmail.com, or via online credit card transaction (fee assessed). All tuition payments will additionally include a yearly registration fee of $50 per student, or $75 per family with multiple students.
Full Semester Payment ​​​
Check, Zelle, or Credit Card (fee assessed)
Full semester (15-17 lessons) + yearly registration fee + any materials fees
Split Semester Installment Payment​ - only available to families with 2 or more students enrolled
Check, Zelle, or Credit Card (fee assessed)
Two payments per semester (4 payments per year) + yearly registration fee + any materials fees​
Summer Lesson Payment ​
Check, Zelle, or Credit Card (fee assessed)
Payment due in full, no installment plans offered
Accompaniment and Miscellaneous Fees
Any string students needing accompaniment will be billed separately, to be completed within 10 days
Should your teacher require a materials fee to cover books, this will be included in your semester invoice
All school holidays and events can be found on the Attacca School Calendar ​
We do not follow any specific public school calendars
Tardiness, Absences, & Makeups
Tardiness does not extend the ending time of your lesson or class.​ We cannot guarantee a full lesson time if you arrive late.​
Excused & Non-Excused Absences
Fall and Spring Semester Student Absence​​​
ONE excused student absence per semester is eligible for a makeup
Any further student absences are forfeited and no makeup given
No roll overs of a non-used semester excused absence
Please see sickness policy for additional information regarding absences
Summer Semester Student Absence
No excused student absences or makeups ​
Group Class Student Absence​
No excused student absences or makeups
Teacher Absence​
Any/all teacher absences will be made up
Makeup Lesson​
The flex/makeup dates in the calendar are reserved for any applicable student or teacher makeup
If you have a scheduling conflict with the makeup day offered by your teacher, your makeup may be forfeited
Sickness Policy
ACTIVE COVID-19/COLD/VIRUS/FLU: If a student has an active case of COVID, cold, fever, or flu, they should not attend their lesson in person at Attacca. Each student may request one online lesson per semester at least 12 hours advance notice if they are sick but can still perform their lesson online. Lesson format changes requested less than 12 hours prior to the occurring lesson cannot be accommodated. Requests for more than one online lesson per semester will not be accommodated.
RECOVERING SICKNESS: If a student is close to recovering from sickness but may still be able to share germs to others using the instruments at school, we ask that they wear a mask until fully recovered. Please contact your teacher to see what they are comfortable with in this scenario.
CONTACT WINDOW: Please give your teacher 8-12 hours notice of sickness related cancellations or adjustments. Should you wish to have online class instead, your teacher will need time in advance to prepare for the materials needed.
While we understand the frustration of missing class due to unforeseen illness throughout the seasons, in-person attendance while sick puts others at risk, and should your teacher become sick as a result, this means missed classes for everyone. All teachers at Attacca reserve the right to send a student home from their in-person lesson if they are attending while visibly sick.
Withdrawals & Refunds
Formal written notice is required for a proper withdrawal. Sudden non-attendance or payment is not considered formal notice and will result in no tuition refunds
Registration (private and chamber) and/or materials fees are non-refundable upon withdrawal. Sibling discounts will be taken into account for any issued prorated tuition refunds as well upon withdrawal.
Any due makeup lessons are forfeited upon withdrawal​
Fall or Spring Semester Refunds
Prior to/or concurrently with 3rd lesson of semester - Full Prorated Refund
After 3rd lesson of semester - no refunds
Summer Lessons Refunds
No refunds or credits given due to brevity of semester
Group Ensemble Refunds
More than 1 week prior - Full Refund
Within a week - 50% Refund
After program starts - No Refund
Trial Lessons
Trial lessons are not eligible for a refund should you decide to cancel after booking online
Trial lessons are subject to schedule change according to individual teacher availability
Snow Days
Attacca School of Music does not follow any specific school snow day cancellations.
We do not offer rescheduling or additional makeup lessons past each student's once per semester makeup for snow days .
We instead offer online lessons in the case of winter weather that prevents safe travel to in person lessons.
Families who chose to forgo the online lesson offering in case of snow may either use their once per semester makeup, or if that student already has an absence, they will forfeit the lesson missed for the snow day as an unexcused absence (no extra makeup given).
Semi annual recitals will be held at the end of each semester at a designated venue for the year. While students are not required to participate, all students are encouraged to attend and participate to celebrate their achievements.
Media & Contact
Attacca School of Music reserves the right to use photographs and videos of students for brochures, flyers, websites, and other promotional materials unless we are notified of a preference otherwise by a given family.
Attacca School of Music reserves the right to suspend lessons at any point during a semester if said family fails to respectfully interact with faculty, follow the policies of the school, or pay tuition that is over two weeks due. You will receive formal electronically written notification prior to the next lesson or event.
There will be no makeup classes offered to those dismissed from Attacca School of Music
Refunds of pre-paid tuition for dismissed students will be provided at the discretion of ASM and only considered once their slot has been replaced
Safety Procedures
All students, families, and faculty are expected to act in a safe manner while on the grounds of Attacca School of Music. In the event of an emergency, parents are responsible for their children's safety and well being. Attacca School of Music is not responsible for items left or any loss of personal items of students or families.